Department of International Projects

The Department of International Projects coordinates multilateral scientific cooperation, ensures the participation of SAS in the ERA-Net and European Partnerships programmes. It implements the Joint Research Projects (JRP) programme, which aims at supporting and developing cooperation with scientifically developed countries. The department ensures cooperation in the field of science and technology between European partners and Japan within the European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan consortium. It also provides advisory and consulting activities for SAS researchers, which result from the participation of the SAS in the above programmes. While cooperating with foreign partners, it ensures the preparation and implementation of international calls for project proposals. The department regularly performs financial monitoring of projects supported by the SAS budgets within the ERA-Net, European Partnerships, JRP and other multilateral programmes. It prepares consecutive and yearly evaluations of the MVTS for the Presidium of SAS. It actively cooperates with state administration bodies and embassies in the Slovak Republic and abroad.