Call Open: ERA-NET NEURON Call for Proposals for Multinational and Translational Research Projects

Odbor medzinárodnej spolupráce informuje o otvorení spoločnej nadnárodnej výzvy ERA-NET NEURON 2025 na tému “Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Neuroscience of Pain”.

Research proposals should cover at least one of the following areas:

a)      Fundamental research on neuroscientific aspects of the pathogenesis, aetiology, prevention, progression, and treatment of chronic pain. This may include the development of innovative or shared resources and technologies considered of relevance in the context of this call.

b)      Clinical research to develop new strategies for prevention, diagnosis, patient stratification, therapy, and rehabilitation procedures for chronic pain syndromes.

Research on pain-related aspects of neurodegenerative disorders that are addressed by the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND)   is excluded from this call.

Pre viac podrobností kliknite na odkaz: Predsedníctvo SAV uznesením č. 77 zo dňa 9. septembra 2021 súhlasilo so zapojením SAV do tejto výzvy a s finančnou podporou 1 projektu do maximálnej výšky 40 000€/rok (z čoho 15 000 €/rok je povinná spoluúčasť príslušnej organizácie SAV) na obdobie 3 rokov.

Call Timetable

Pre-proposal stage (I)

January 07, 2025Launch of the Joint Transnational Call
March 06, 2025Deadline (submission of pre-proposals) 14:00 CET
Mid-May, 2025Formal invitation to submit a full proposal

Full proposal stage (II)

June 26, 2025Submission deadline of full proposals 14:00 CEST
September, 2025Peer Review Panel meeting to assess the full proposals
October/November 2025Final funding decision by the CSC and start of national administrative procedures
Early – Mid 2026Start of funding


Ing. Katarína Bibová

T:+ 421 2 57510 136
