Odbor medzinárodnej spolupráce dáva do pozornosti pilotnú výzvu na nadnárodný klinický výskum – Investigator – Initiated Clinical Studies (IICS) európskeho partnerstva ERA4HEALTH s indikatívnym rozpočtom 240.000€ na jeden projekt bez spoluúčasti ústavu SAV s dÍžkou trvania projektu 4 roky.
Informácie k výzve nájdete: https://era4health.eu/calls/effectrial2025.php
20 November, 2024 | Publication of EffectTrial call |
28 January, 2025 | Deadline for pre-proposal submission |
15 April, 2025 | Communication of the results of the pre-proposal assessment (invitation for full proposal) |
17 June, 2025 | Deadline for full proposal submission |
25 August – 5 September, 2025 | Rebuttal stage |
25 August – 5 September, 2025 | Interview to assess the study feasibility |
End of October, 2025 | Communication of the funding decisions to the applicants |
January – May 2026 | Expected project start (subject to national procedures) |
Proposals should address all the 4 following points :
- Be a pragmatic comparative effectiveness trial, designed as randomised interventional trial.
- Compare the use of currently approved healthcare interventions either to each other or to the current standard of care.
- They shall consider healthcare interventions which could include but would not be limited to: diagnostic, screening, prevention and treatment interventions. The interventions can be pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological procedures like nutrition and/or lifestyle interventions, surgery, prognosis methods, use of medical devices, eHealth and digital interventions and other health interventions.
- These interventions shall have high public relevance only in the fields of these specific diseases or conditions (that are of equal importance):
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Metabolic disorders
- Nutrition and lifestyle-related diseases
- Non-communicable respiratory diseases
Out of scope
- Studies in other medical areas different from the ones mentioned above (cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, nutrition and lifestyle-related diseases and non-communicable respiratory diseases).
- Particularly, those clinical trials that are focused on rare diseases, cancer and/or infectious diseases are out of the scope of this call, even if these diseases are studied with one of the eligible diseases/conditions
- Proposals focused on observational studies, cohort studies, translational/clinical approval studies, creation of large databases, systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
- Basic biomedical research
- Development of a new healthcare intervention
- Phase I and phase II studies
- Placebo randomized controlled trials
Ing. Katarína Bibová
T:+ 421 2 57510 136