ERA4Health: Call for proposals 2023

Research targeting development of innovative therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular disease (CARDINNOV) IS OPEN!

Partnership ERA4Health is launching its first  Joint Transnational Call on Cardiovascular diseases: “Research targeting development of innovative therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular disease” (CARDINNOV) .

The CARDINNOV call involves 19 funding organisations from 15 countries.

Predsedníctvo SAV uznesením č. 405  zo dňa 13. októbra 2022 súhlasilo so zapojením SAV do tejto výzvy a s finančnou podporou 240.000€/2 projekty/3roky, pričom maximálna výška na projekt je 120.000€/3roky, čo je 40 000€/rok (z čoho 15 000 €/rok je povinná spoluúčasť príslušnej organizácie SAV).

Harmonogram výzvy:

7 December, 2022Publication of CARDINNOV call
7 February, 2023, 16h00 CETDeadline for pre-proposal submission
28 April, 2023Communication of the results of the pre-proposal assessment (invitation for full proposal)
15 June, 2023, 16h00 CESTDeadline for full proposal submission
29 August – 6 September, 2023Rebuttal stage
End of OctoberCommunication of the funding decisions to the applicants
December 2023 – May 2024Expected project start (subject to national procedures)

All information about the call is available on the ERA4Health website (

Proposals must present research that addresses one or both of the following topics:

1) Repair and/or regeneration of the heart and/or the blood vessels

The proposals should focus on:

  • The identification of integrative approach, clinically relevant, based on molecular and cellular levels and/or the link between these two levels. Poorly known mechanisms should be the focus of the proposal e.g. (but not limited to) the inflammatory reaction, the amyloid accumulation, endogenous mechanisms of repair, linked to thromboembolism and/or related to macrovascular compartment and autonomous nervous system.
  • And/or the development of cell and non-cell-based approaches in combination with bioactive biomaterials/ bioengineered patches or grafts.

2) Chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation

The proposals should focus on the development of treatment strategies that can reverse the pathophysiology responsible for chronic heart failure (especially with preserved ejection fraction), atrial fibrillation and/or the both diseases. The therapeutic strategies should take into account patient comorbidities and their potential treatment.


Ing. Katarína Bibová

T: + 421 2 57510 136
